For us, another good month. Things are slowly becoming easier; making sure I have gloves and a mask in my pockets when I go out is becoming a habit. Washing hands when I get back in has been for a long time. It’s great that the park is open, even if it is overrun most of the time. Children being at home can’t be easy. Everything has really been rather good. I missed the travel I had booked, but the online Dublin Gastronomy Symposium was very enjoyable and not nearly as difficult as I feared it might be.

Highlights of the month:

  • A picnic lunch on the terrace for Mayday, first and only takeout of the lockdown.
  • The plants continue to do well, including some dill and chilli seeds I had all but given up on.
  • Finished A Gentleman in Moscow, one of the best books I’ve read in a while.
  • The baby birds fledged. I hope they survive and, even more, that the parents might return.
  • Pedicured; it had been too long.
  • An excursion to the centro. Exciting!
  • Had to rise very early to get out from under some work, but I did it and succeeded.

Steps creeping up, weight creeping down, sleep a little lower.



  • Walking with sticks 0
  • Reading: 15
  • Steps (avge): 7802 (up a good bit)
  • Podcasts: 34, but I know some are missing. Only recorded 3 of the 8 episodes of Gangster Capitalism on the NRA, and I know I listened to the whole thing because it was thoroughly wonderful.
  • 7 Minutes: 17 days and 39 cycles (missed a couple of days to a brief cold)


  • Walking with sticks 0
  • Reading: 12
  • Steps (avge): 6260 (down even more)
  • Podcasts: 31 (fewer steps => fewer podcasts)
  • 7 Minutes: 21 days and 39 cycles (three cycles three times a week now)


A couple of times I just had too much to do. Also failed to appreciate just how exhausting concentrating during a >4 hour Zoom meeting might be. So, needed to get on top of that a couple of times. Otherwise, all is good. Maybe a little too much?

Hours logged per month

  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018

Percent of logged hours: 2020

  • Admin
  • Eat This Podcast

Previous years are on an archive page.


Fourteen new posts in May, but no old ones. And though I did read on a fair number of days, I notice that when I’ve finished a book I enjoyed, I’m reluctant to start another for fear it won’t be as much of a pleasure.


It would be good to error check the script that pulls in the podcasts I’ve listened to. Why does it occasionally miss an episode when the data clearly show I listened to it?

Final remarks

I’ve ignored a couple of things I want to do, as a result of things I have to do. A perennial problem, how to carve out time for myself and not fritter it away here and there.

Here's the table

Click the triangle to see or hide the table
Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
05 170 5.67 40 22 38
04 175 6.03 36 18 46
03 164 7.50 38 27 35
02 129.0 6.50 45 17 38
2020-01 89.25 5.25 48 19 43

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